Home Just Checking In JCIP #183 – James Roffey

JCIP #183 – James Roffey


In episode 183 of The Just Checking In Podcast we checked in with personal trainer and mental health advocate, James Roffey.

James brands himself as ‘The Mental Health Personal Trainer’. When James was in his 20s, he developed an eating disorder (ED) which was triggered by three key life events: being released by Charlton Athletic FC’s academy, failing a business studies exam when he was doing his AS levels and subsequently being kicked out of his then school and the sudden death of his grandmother when he was 18 years old.

These three events caused James to develop his ED, which started by presenting as anorexia and then morphed into bulimia which he had for the next eight years.

After a lot of soul-searching, hospital admittances and self-development, James managed to recover and get to the position he is in now.

In Part 1 of his podcast, we discuss his fitness journey, from starting it because of a relationship break-up to making it his passion and now his career, breaking his leg three times over the course of two years from 2019-2021 and the three key pillars he tries to instil in his clients:  Mindset, nutrition and training.

In Part 2, we explore the origins of his Eating Disorder, the destructive behaviours and habits it made him adopt and the eight years he was trapped in its grip, why his sports psychologist was a massive influence on his recovery, why traditional therapy didn’t help him and how he successfully moved away from his identity being attached to his ED.

As always, #itsokaytovent

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Music: PatawawaStrange


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