Mind On The Game – Alex Kihurani – Part 2


In this episode of Mind On The Game, we checked back in with World Rally Championship co-driver Alex Kihurani.

We first checked back in with Alex in April 2023 and a lot has happened in Alex’s life since then.

Alex’s daughter was born three months premature and has had health complications throughout 2023, which has been challenging for Alex. his wife and their wider family.

Then, on 19th August 2023, Alex received a phone call in from his mum in the middle of the night whilst competing in a European Rally Championship round in Czech Republic.

She gave Alex the news that his dad had died suddenly in a car crash. Immediately, Alex was not just plunged into grief but had do a significant amount of ‘death admin’ regarding his dad, as his dad left no will.

A few months later, on the same day of that month, on 19th November, Alex’s wife’s brother died. He was 36 at the time and died from SUDEP (Sudden Unexplained Death in Epilepsy).

Alex had to deal with both these life traumas, plus his ongoing care he needed to be for his daughter and become a support pillar for his wife and both their families.

In January 2024, Alex decided he needed to take some time out from the WRC and focus on his mental health and his family.

He accessed therapy, which he is still doing now and is back co-driving in the British Rally Championship at time of recording.

In this episode, we discuss: both those griefs, fatherhood and being a dad of a child with special needs, the balance he had to strike between supporting his wife through her grief and having the support himself from others, how therapy has helped him and his latest achievements in the WRC.

As always, #itsokaytovent

You can listen to Part 1 of Alex’s journey here.

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Music: Patawawa – Strange


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