Home Editorial Vent Releases First Clothing Line

Vent Releases First Clothing Line


Vent is releasing an official clothing and merchandise line to help spread our message further that #itsokaytovent.

Hosted on Redbubble, the first design has launched today, with more designs to come in the future.

Previously, merch was commissioned and sold ad-hoc and this method allows all our Venters to purchase t-shirts as well as branded hoodies, mugs, tote bags and other items at their convenience.

All of the logistics around order purchases are handled by Redbubble, with Vent taking a proportion of the money generated by each individual sale.

Freddie Cocker, Founder and Editor-In-Chief at Vent said: “Launching merchandise for Vent has been a long time coming and is one I’m delighted to get over the line this week. I’m really excited for where this can go and hopefully it can boost awareness about Vent and help the platform grow. I’m looking forward to receiving everyone’s feedback and I’ve got exciting plans to improve what we can offer to all the Venters who want to support us.”

If you want to purchase an item and support Vent, you can do so here.


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